Writing the Book I Querying I Working with Publishers I Post-Publication I Building Community
What genre is my book? How can I fund my writing process? What does an agent do? Can I query a publisher directly? What is a good book deal? Who decides where my book is stocked? How do I get events? How do I deal with elations and failure? Where do I find community?
Voices from across the literary sector, including writers, agents, publishers, festival programmers, and booksellers, came together in this series of free online events to answer those questions that are so essential to the life of your book – but often so hard to ask.
Over the course of a week, panelists explored key topics through discussion. Audience members could pre-submit questions, as well as asking live, helping to hone the discussions to what you needed to hear about.
Below you can view recordings of the discussions, where panelists shared valuable insights from a diverse array of industry perspectives from across the life of a book. You can also access links to resources highlighted during the discussions.
This programme was developed and funded by Creative Scotland, with support from Hawthornden Foundation with Society of Authors, and facilitated by Moniack Mhor.

Note: To view videos with subtitles, please view directly on Moniack Mhor’s YouTube channel here.
Session 1: Writing the Book
In this first session of the week, writer and Creative Scotland Literature Officer Alice Tarbuck leads the discussion around the beginning stage of any writer’s journey: turning your words into a book. She is joined by authors Nadine Aisha Jassat, Kevin MacNeil, and Louise Welsh.
Writing the Book: Resources
Robert Louise Stevenson: A Chapter on Dreams
Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
Alan Silllitoe, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
Moniack Mhor Mentoring Programme
Alice Tarbuck (for questions specific to Creative Scotland’s Open Fund)
Session 2: Querying
You’ve got your book into a good shape: how do you now go about getting it published? In this second session of the week, literary agent Jenny Brown leads the discussion around the next stage of your book: finding a home for it with the support of an agent. She is joined by agents Caro Clarke, Louise Lamont and James Macdonald Lockhart.
Session 3: Working with Publishers
Now you’ve written the book and have either approached a publisher or are working with an agent – what’s next? In this third session of the week, literary consultant Aki Schilz leads the discussion around different publishing processes and what to expect. She is joined by agent Lisa Highton, previously publishing director at Two Roads, Doubleday, HarperCollins, and Hodder; 404Ink publisher Laura Jones-Rivera; and editor and co-founder of Arkbound Publishing, Steve Mcnaught.
Working with Publishers: Resources
Session 4: Post-Publication
Publication day is approaching; what happens now that your book is going to be out in the world? In the fourth session of the week, poet, playwright and performer Hannah Lavery leads the discussion around navigating expectations and activity once your book has been published. She is joined by founder of Argonaut Books, Adam Barclay; Communications Director at Canongate, Anna Frame; and poet and StAnza Artistic Director, Ryan Van Winkle.
Session 5: Building Community
In the fifth and final session of the week, writer Heather Parry, previously of Society of Authors, leads the discussion around accessing the support of the literary community, and how to work with other writers to further a literary landscape that lifts all voices. She is joined by writer, Harry Josephine Giles; poet and director and founder of Open Book, Marjorie Lotfi; and poet and co-director of the Scottish BPOC Writers Network, Jeda Pearl.