Moniack Mhor is Scotland’s National Writing Centre. Based in the beautiful Scottish Highlands, we run courses in a range of genres tutored by some of the finest authors in the UK and beyond. With workshops and one to one tutorials, our courses provide an atmosphere to fully immerse yourself in your writing. The centre also offers writing retreats providing time and space, free from distractions, where you will find yourself part of a nurturing writing community. Other support offered by Moniack Mhor includes awards, bursaries, professional residencies to develop works in progress and a programme for young writers.

Neurodivergent approaches to repetition: a masterclass in two parts, with Debris Stevenson and Hannah Silva
These masterclasses focus on the neurodivergent tendency to loop, to glitch, to tic, to stim, to have an internal monologue or polylogue, to delight in repetition. We will approach the patterns of our minds as outlets, engines and hubs of creativity. This theme in two parts explores the topic from each artist’s perspective. Choose one or attend both. Join us if the topic calls to you, no writing experience or diagnosis required! 18th March, 2pm - 4pm

Wed 19th February, 7.00pm - 8.00pm:
Thig cruinn còmhla ri Pàdraig MacAoidh agus Eoin P. Ó Murchú is iad a’ leughadh is a’ deasbad na h-obrach cho-obrachail ùr aca ann an Gaeilge is Gàidhlig.
Bí in éineacht le Pàdraig MacAoidh agus Eoin P. Ó Murchú agus iad ag léamh agus ag plé a gcomhshaothair nua i nGaeilge agus i nGàidhlig.
Join Pàdraig MacAoidh and Eoin P. Ó Murchú as they read and discuss their new collaborative work in Gaeilge and Gàidhlig.

Join poet and nature-lover Nalini Paul in this two-hour online poetry workshop. You will engage in a range of inspiring writing exercises to get the ideas flowing, look at examples of nature poetry and find new ways of unlocking the ideas that might lie trapped within your mind, just waiting to spring onto the page (or screen).