Workshops I Tasters I Events

Relaxed workshops, taster sessions, and residentials with no pressure – just time and space to let you find out about you.

Led by Mhor Creative, a steering group of care experienced young people, we are offering a programme of workshops, taster sessions and events with all the Creativity & Care partners.  Below you can browse Moniack Mhor’s programme, or visit our partners here for additional opportunities.

Check out our upcoming activity below!

All sessions are free for care experienced young people aged 14-30

    Sun 11th Aug - Fri 16th Aug

    Join Boo Hewerdine and Michele Stodart for a songwriting and recording opportunity! This residential is offered as part of the Creativity and Care Programme for care experienced young people aged 14-30.

    Read more and book your place.

Get in touch with us anytime on or 01463 592828 

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