Date(s) - Tue 7th Mar, 2023
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Join us online for this special Gaelic Highland Book Prize Longlist event, celebrating Crann-Fige le Donnchadh MacGillÌosa.
Duncan will be reading from this Highland Book Prize longlisted collection of short stories, published in both Gaelic and English, and talking to Anne Frater about the book. This event will also include a short Q&A session with the author.
This event is free, with the option of making a donation. Booking is required.

(Acair, 2022)
Crann-Fìge: Sgeulachdan Goirid
Cruinneachadh sgeulachdan làidir, brìoghmhor eile bho ùghdar Tocasaid ’Ain Tuirc. Coltach ri sgeulachdan na Tocasaid, a tha a’ togail ceann sa chruinneachadh seo cuideachd, ach lem blas is lem beatha fhèin. Tha feadhainn dhiubh suidhichte ann an Leòdhas san linn a chaidh, agus feadhainn suidhichte ann an àiteachan eile. Ach ge bith càite, eadar Nis agus Nèamh, tha iad uile air an innse ann an guth tarraingeach, dealbhach a tha a’ cur diomb leanaibh an cèill a cheart cho soilleir, fìor ’s a bheir e thugainn aithreachas boireannaich, no fiamh bodaich.
Fig Tree: Short Stories
A new collection of short stories from the author of Tocasaid ’Ain Tuirc, bringing the same sharp wit and observational skill to this evocation of Lewis life and people from last century intertwined with stories situated elsewhere, and giving as authentic a voice to an angry child’s resentment, a woman’s regret or an old man’s fears.
Donnchadh MacGillÌosa
’S ann às a’ Chnoc Àrd ann an Nis a tha Donnchadh MacGillÌosa, an ceann-a-tuath Leòdhais. Seo an ceathramh cruinneachadh de sgeulachdan goirid aige air fhoillseachadh, agus a’ chiad leabhar leis far a bheil a’ Ghàidhlig is a’ Bheurla còmhla, taobh ri taobh.
Duncan Gillies is from Knockaird, in Ness, the northern tip of the Isle of Lewis. Fig Tree is his fourth published collection of short stories and the first book of his in which Gaelic and English appear together, side by side.
Anna Frater
Tha Anna Frater à Pabail Uarach ann an Leòdhas. Tha i na h-àrd-òraidiche aig UHI Innse Gall, far a bheil i a’ teagasg air na ceumannan Gàidhlig, cho math ri bhith na Stiùiriche Cùrsa air BAH Gaelic Scotland.
Anne Frater is from Upper Bayble in Lewis. She is a senior lecturer at UHI Outer Hebrides, where she teaches on the Gaelic-medium degrees, as well as being Programme Leader for BAH Gaelic Scotland.
This event is brought to you in partnership with the Highland Book Prize 2022 Longlist, and is part of a series of events celebrating each of the 12 titles on the list. Presented by the Highland Society of London and facilitated by Moniack Mhor, Scotland’s Creative Writing Centre, the Highland Book Prize seeks to recognise the rich talent, landscape, and cultural diversity of Scotland’s Highlands and Islands. The William Grant Foundation provides funding to encourage public engagement with the Highland Book Prize. For more information visit www.highlandbookprize.org.uk
This course is now fully booked. Please contact us on info@moniackmhor.org.uk or 01463 741 675 to be added to the waiting list.