
Retreats start on Monday evening with a welcome talk from staff at 6.30pm and an evening meal. After dinner, your group may decide to spend time together introducing yourselves and your writing interests. For the rest of the week you are free to plan your own day around the set mealtimes and your one evening cooking team slot at 4pm. Sometimes writers on retreat decide to share work with each other on the final night – this is entirely optional. 

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  • 2435 Late August Retreat
    2435 Late August Retreat
    Mon 26th Aug - Sat 31st Aug
    Fully Booked

    The fields around Moniack Mhor are rich and golden with the fullness of summer now, ready for harvest. Join us this August to gather your own words and reap the writing magic.

    Read more and book your place.
  • 2439 September Retreat
    2439 September Retreat
    Mon 23rd Sep - Sat 28th Sep
    Fully Booked

    ‘If I were a bird I would fly about the Earth seeking the successive autumns.’ Fly your writing to Moniack Mhor amid the glow of the changing season, as the hills and woodland above Loch Ness turn to bronze.

    Read more and book your place.
  • 2450 December Retreat
    2450 December Retreat
    Mon 9th Dec - Sat 14th Dec
    Fully Booked

    Winter can be a time of rest and reflection. This December, under a waxing moon, take a moment of stillness by the fireside. Just you and your words, cooried in by stone walls that have nurtured many a story.

    Read more and book your place.

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