
Our songwriting mentors are available to assist at any stage of your songwriting journey, however early in the process you might be.

The mentoring models below can be just a starting point. We will work closely with you to ensure we have the right fit for your work and recommend changes to the models. If there is a better fit for you, just tell us and we can make arrangements.

Model 1Model 2Model 3
Workshop Your Song  Co-writeJourney Together
1.5hrs Tutor Time1.5hrs Tutor Time1.5hrs Tutor Time
Submit a song to be workshopped by your mentor

1 hour of face-to-face meeting or phone time, working together to reach a target

Sessions will cover recommendations and next steps
Work towards co-writing a song together with your mentor

1 hour of face-to-face meeting or phone time, working together to reach a target

Sessions will cover recommendations and next steps
 Book multiple 1 hour sessions within a longer mentoring arrangement that could support you from a starting point e.g. co-writing through to industry skills such as recording and production

1 hour of face-to-face time, working together to reach a target

In the first hour-long slot, you will discuss your goals both artistically and practically to design the best way of supporting your work going forward. A structure will then be put in place for your next hour-long meeting.

To book a session, please download an enquiry form and send your completed form to

Our mentors working in songwriting include:

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